Sunday, January 20, 2013


I am angry, and I know I should be, hell I have every right to be. But sometimes when its quiet, and late at night, I remember what brought me there in the first place, and I cry. I cry for what was. I cry for what might have been. I cry for what will never be. It makes it harder, but out allows my heart not to harden, so maybe some day i will be brave enough to share it again.

1 comment:

  1. Each experience in our life is a chance to become wiser. Yes, you have loss but you also have gain. You are stronger because you have suffered. If you realize that life is pain and that to live is to suffer.....going forward is easier. Oh...this is just life.

    Also, life is change. You have probably heard this simple phrase before. Thing is it will be better tomorrow. Well, maybe not tomorrow but the day after the day after the day after that....or what not. You WILL heal.

    Keep strong. Sending my best.
