Sunday, October 9, 2011

My Little Sun Shine

I do have to say there is a bright side to my weekend, even though I have spent much of it in pain and feeling like puking. After all the worrying about adding Chuck's daughter, Sally, to our family, and the frustration of such a big change, it seems to be coming together now. Her behavior has changed dramatically since she first came. There are less fits. At her re-evaluation last week they told Chuck she is a whole different child, and agreed to begin weaning her of the anti-psychotic medication she's been on. We are finally getting some help from behavioral health professionals here in the house, and she has gotten in to a pre-K program to help her get ready for school. But the best feeling of all is that she seems to be really bonding with us as a family, and really happy to be here. My daughter is visiting her father this weekend and while we all miss her (Sally included) it has given me some time to really focus on Sally and talk to her. We have gone to lunch with Chuck, colored, watched movies, gone to visit friends and all the while we talk. (She is QUITE a talker tee hee) I use this time to ask her about her mother and how she feels being away from her. We chat about her visiting her mother's family soon and how she feels about seeing them then coming back here. About how many times she has moved in her four years, and how she didn't like that. I tell her over and over how we are a family and this is her home. How we will make sure sh has her own bed and room. How we will keep her safe and how we will be her family until she is big enough to have her own family. We talk about about not getting our own way, and working as a family, and how disappointments can be hard. She seems to understand me. I try hard to understand her. The way we relate to each other makes me feel good. The way I am able to calm her down when she throws a fit, and the way she holds on to me tighter when she is scared, makes me feel like I am good at taking care of her, like I am making a difference for her. She is (next to my little girl of course) the sweetest damn thing I have ever met, and I want her to have the love, self confidence, family, and life she deserves. More, and more I feel like I, like we, can give her that.

1 comment:

  1. I am thankful that you have these moments when there are little diamonds of time in the rough. good things kinda mixed up in all those tough times. hang on to those.
