Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Just Hug Me

Do you ever just wish you could lay your head on some one's shoulder and have the weight taken off of your shoulders for just a moment? I am really feeling lately and I am wishing someone could lighten the load for me just for an hour or so. In my estimation, that is one of the main problems that Chuck and I seem to have. We are both struggling right now, both depressed, and both stressed, both anxious. I mean who wouldn't be? All of the stress with Chuck's daughter, him not having a job, my job not being stable, both of already having a history of anxiety and depression. Chuck spoke to Child Services today, and it sounded as though some of his concerns about his daughter's mother had not been looked into, which means more waiting, more stress. It is hard to support someone when you are feeling so down yourself. It all makes our home feel very tense, not like the safe haven we would like it to be. Is there a way to shut out the world when the world seems to be continually banging on your door? What happens if the world doesn't even knock, just barges right in and makes themselves at home? Or what if one of you is inviting the world in, but the other wants to keep them out? We have that issue often too. The whole situation with Chuck's daughter is feeling more, and more serious and urgent to me now, yet there is nothing I can do about any of it. I feel helpless, nervous, and like I am just weighting for a cat to pounce. I do not trust his ex. She does not see the world as others do, and she often blames Chuck for situations, she herself has created. And I do not mean in the traditional my ex is such a jerk sense, but more a I know I am unable to function and care for my child so I am going to accuse her father of something even more disturbing and scary so I look good sense. I am so confused, and scared, and angry with this woman. Wait...wait...wait...today's blog is about support right? Sorry like I said before. THIS is what seems to have CONSUMED our life for the last week. I just need some love, and some support and a HUGE hug, and I know Chuck does too. I just don't know why we seem unable to give that too each other when we are in the same house.

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