Illustration by James Collins |
Yesterday I woke up hurting. Sore from my throat to my back. Head pounding, feeling like I hadn't had a good night sleep in a week. I thought uh oh, fall allergy season has begun. I spent the majority of the day asleep. When I wasn't asleep I was sipping coffee, yet by 9PM I was yawning again, and I slept the night through as though I had had a full day. So then I began to wonder, am I not feeling well physically, or is this depression? Then I thought, "Great Patty that's what you need, to have anxiety over whether you are letting your anxiety depress you! Just add that to the list of things you are worried about." Kind of a chicken and the egg type thing, do I feel worse because I am getting sick, or do I feel sick because I am feeling worse. (sigh) So if I go home and cry until I run out of tears will I feel better? Will it give me the release I need? Or will it just lead to opening up a Pandora's box of emotion that I clearly am not able to deal with right now? And whatta you do with that? It is not like I have the time, space, or energy to do my drawings, meditate, or even cry to a friend. I pretty much distract myself with my book to keep from having to deal with my overwhelming emotional state, and just keep on keepin on because I don't really feel like I have any other option. I am not am to reach Chuck right now. He is also in an altered state. I can not quit or give up, I have 2 little girls who count on me every day. So each day becomes a blure of things I "have to do" for work, for my family, for my pets, and nothing more. I am sad, I am angry, I NEED to cry.
I have moments of feeling SO glad to have gotten Chuck's daughter out of such a crazy, sad life style. Or of feeling bonded to her, or her feeling attached to me. Or the joy I feel when I am rocking her and she falls asleep with her little head on my chest snuggled up to the stuff animal we got her as a welcome "home" gift. I have moments of pride in my child as she aces her spelling list. Or a moment of hearing her Or a moment of happiness when she giggles about some game we are playing. A moment of contentment with one girl snuggled next to me and one on my lap, story in my hand. And I cling to those mements. They ARE memories that are crystal clear to me. Staying with me and helping me remember what it is like to not be angry or numb. I cling to them. People keep asking me how I am doing? Am I ok? How are we all adjusting? Without a second thought I automatically blut out "we are fine" "I'm ok" "It's ok" The truth is I don't know how much longer I can be this OK, and that scares me. I CAN NOT be depressed. I CAN NOT stop being mom. I CAN NOT stop bringing in an income. I CAN NOT stop supporting Chuck while he does what he has to in order to help his child. I CAN NOT disappear. I know this and it weighs on me. What if I am not ok? Nope, not going to even let my head go there. I MUST be ok. I can't let my emotions get ahold of me.
These pressures are something I totally relate to. I am sending you nothing but strength and love today as you are trying so hard to get through another day of many worries and thoughts. have got to be okay that you are having trouble with this transition. This is not a little thing bringing a troubled child into your home. You can't think that you will just "do it all" with no struggles within yourself.
I think the key to keeping sane and making sure you are able to still "feel" and not go numb is to allow yourself not to feel 24-7. Again, take out 10min each day to do some kind of meditation. Put on some soothing Yoga music and quiet your mind. Have you ever done relaxation exercises? These do amazing things if done every day for your mental health and ability to deal.
Please know that I too have days where I can't stop crying and, yes, it is about everything. Everything has gone wrong or is upsetting. I am overloaded and helpless to my own demons. HOwever, the one thing I know is that this too shall pass and you will find clarity once again.
It's hard when you aren't doing "ok" for people to ask you how you are. I say...I put on my clown mask and smile and tell them "times are tough but we are getting through". I have that phrase tattooed on my tongue...LOL
You are under a lot of pressure. Try not to beat yourself up about not living up to your own expectations for caring for your family. YOu are doing your best and your best is enough and the rest will take care of itself. Maybe not in a way you "planned" but it will fall into a slot and then you will go from there.
Sending you my best.